

  1. Notify URL is used for receiving the payment status notification.

  2. When an order is created, YaBandPay API will deliver the status change to you each time during the payment process.

  3. The notification of the delivered status must apply https protocol. The content of the notification is made up of signature.payment status (Note that there is a dot between the signature and the payment status JSON).

  4. YabandPay will return asynchronous notifications from the following IP addresses, which are recommended to be added to the firewall whitelist.

1. The notification of payment

Code State Description
00 paid Payment successful
01 authorized Authorization successful
02 pending Payment initiated
03 processing Waiting for customers to pay
04 verify The customer has paid, but due to risk control reasons, we need to review it.
05 declined Payment declined
06 failed Payment failed
07 expired Payment was not accepted within the allocated time
08 cancelled Payment cancelled
Parameter Type Description
sign String signature
type String payment, refund
user String the UID or email of cashier account
amount String the amount submitted
tip_amount String Tip included in the total amount
currency String ISO 4217, For example EUR, CHF, the currency submitted
settlement_amount String the settlement amount
settlement_currency String EUR, the settlement currency
exchange_rate String exchange rate
amount_cny String payer paid amount(CNY)
settlement_rate String settlement rate for payer
order_id String order id from Merchant
transaction_id String the transaction id from payment method provider, ie. WeChat Pay or Alipay+
acquirer_id String the transaction id from institution, Acquirer Reference Number(ARN)
description String order description
createDate String create date
state String Processing, Paid,Cancelled, Expired, Verify,Authorized,Declined,Failed
demo String custom field
out_trade_no String out trade number
sub_pay_method String payer payment method, ie. WeChat Pay, Alipay+
pay_method String offline, online
paid_time String paid time
yb_transaction_id String Unique transaction ID of YabandPay
3ds_status String 3ds Status
3ds_trxid String Unique transaction ID of 3ds
3ds_version String 3ds version
3DS Status:
Parameter Type Description
A String Attempts Processing Performed; Not Authenticated/Verified, but a proof of attempted authentication/verification is provided.
C String Challenge Required; Additional authentication is required.
D String Challenge Required; Decoupled Authentication confirmed.
I String Informational Only; Merchant challenge preference acknowledged.
N String Not Authenticated /Account Not Verified; Transaction denied.
R String Authentication/ Account Verification Rejected; Issuer is rejecting authentication/verification and requests that authorisation not be attempted.
U String Authentication/Account Verification Could Not Be Performed, Technical or other problem.
Y String Authentication/Account Verification Successful.
Example Response:
    "sign": "4d1ebd43cf3a06d35282c84b990917e49d5cafc0a1cad62c2b695a1683ec6ba0",
    "data": {
        "type": "payment",
        "user": "016683",
        "order_id": "190510140815",
        "trade_id": "8a8aa7c7-66d7-e2cc-e2a6-fff7c77aaefd",
        "transaction_id": "4200000298201905227377147799",
        "acquirer_id": "4200000298201905227377147799",
        "yb_transaction_id": "c8823612-383f-35fc-f28d-c0eae039e870",
        "amount": "1.00",
        "tip_amount": "0.10",
        "currency": "EUR",
        "settlement_amount": "1.00",
        "settlement_currency": "EUR",
        "exchange_rate": "1",
        "amount_cny": "0.77",
        "settlement_rate": "7.779779",
        "description": "yaband test",
        "createDate": "1558510731",
        "pay_method": "online",
        "state": "paid",
        "demo": "test",
        "out_trade_no": "a4d7684a-e326-44c1-bea5-0601f7a9b191",
        "sub_pay_method": "WeChat Pay",
        "paid_time": "1603355159",
        "3ds_status": "Y",
        "3ds_trxid": "1d0c6eb3-6282-4cf9-9549-884410918d2d",
        "3ds_version": "2.2.0"


2. The notification of refund

Parameter Type Description
sign String signature
type String refund
user String the UID or email of cashier account
pay_method String offline, online
sub_pay_method String payer payment method, ie. WeChat Pay, Alipay+
refund_id String the refund id
m_refund_id String merchant-defined refund number
transaction_id String the transaction id from YabBandPay
refund_amount String the amount submitted
refund_currency String the settlement currency
order_id String the order id from Merchant
refund_description String refund description
refund_time String create date
state String to-be-approval,refund pending,refund processing, refunded,refund error , refund failed,refund cancelled
Notification information:
    "sign": "b71a0b52811b98aed22b928c0ab124e39b722bca0547b5e6c5d19763bec456ae",
    "data":  {
        "type": "refund",
        "user": "016683",
        "refund_id": "b20d3668-d71f-432f-8809-f84f0d9139d4",
        "refund_amount": "1.00",
        "refund_currency": "EUR",
        "order_id": "200219",
        "refund_description": "test",
        "refund_time": "0",
        "state": "refunded",
        "pay_method": "online",
        "sub_pay_method": "WeChat Pay",


  1. the state is refund processing after refund request.

  2. the state is refunded after refund requet completed.

3. Notification Frequency

The response of notification must return status-code 200, and body must return ok. If ok is not returned, then we will send the notification again.

The frequency of notifications is as follows:

Retry Frequency
1 10s
2 30s
3 60s
4 300s
5 3600s
... 3600s
15 3600s

Yabandpay will not send nocification once more if ok is not returned after 15 times.

4. Asynchronous notification payment status description

Payment status:
Code State Description
00 paid Payment successful
01 authorized Authorization successful
02 pending Payment initiated
03 processing Waiting for customers to pay
04 verify The customer has paid, but due to risk control reasons, we need to review it.
05 declined Payment declined
06 failed Payment failed
07 expired Payment was not accepted within the allocated time
08 cancelled Payment cancelled
Refund status:
Code State Description
20 to-be-approval Waiting for admin approval.
21 refund pending The current balance is insufficient. It will be automatically submitted when the balance is sufficient.
22 refund processing Refund has been submitted.
23 refunded Refund successfully.
24 refund failed Refund failed, please try again.
25 refund error Please contact our staff.
26 refund cancelled The refund order has been cancelled.

results matching ""

    No results matching ""