
This API isn used to withdraws the balance of YabandPay wallet.


  1. The withdrawal amount cannot be greater than the usable balance (usable)

  2. This API can only be called by the merchant super admin account; the operator or cashier accounts do not have permission to call this API.

API URL:https://mapi.yabandpay.com/Payments


POST data type:Json

Parameter Type Description Required
user String the UID of super admin account Required
sign String signature Required
method String v3.CreatePayments Required
time Long timestamp Required
  • Parameter
Parameter Type Description Required
commond String payout Required
amount String Withdrawal amount, 2 decimal places, e.g. 19.99 Required
currency String ISO 4217, For example EUR, CHF Required
reference String remark Required
notify_url String asynchronous notification url Required
nonce_string String random string, no longer than 32 bits Required


Lexicographical sequence and URL key-value format new string


Use stringA and secret_key to get stringSign

Get Signature:


Example Request:

    "user": "036870",
    "sign": "f68fa2e922292e4fc7e4151a63ca45c66a32d4d0562795d77abe6c52d4fe7c60",
    "method": "v3.MerchantBalance",
    "time": 1708482257,
    "data": {
        "commond": "payout",
        "nonce_string": "2yx20x4c6dswedikxs",
        "amount": 100.01,
        "currency": "EUR",
        "reference": "456789",
        "notify_url": "https://www.yabandpay.com/notify"

Example Response:

    "status": true,
    "code": "200",
    "data": {
        "user": "036870",
        "time": 1708482257,
        "gateway_name": "YabandPay",
        "payout_id": "0594bf99-fce7-3784-28f7-e8e76ad01989",
        "currency": "EUR",
        "amount": "100.01",
        "reference": "456789",
        "notify_url": "https://www.yabandpay.com/notify",
        "state": "awaiting approval"
    "message": ""

More Information:

The response parameters are described as follows:
Parameter Type Description
user String the UID of super admin account
time String timestamp
gateway_name String the name of payment institution, namely YabandPay
wallet_id String wallet ID
payout_id String order number
currency String currency, ISO 4217
amount String withdrawal amount
reference String remark
notify_url String asynchronous notification url
state String order state. there are 6 states: awaiting approval, pending, failed, completed, declined, cancelled

results matching ""

    No results matching ""