Hosted Payment Page

Available: Pre-Authorization and Purchase

The YabandPay Form Hosted Payment Page (HPP) is a ready-to-use payment page fully maintained by YabandPay. It enables eCommerce merchants to securely accept payments by hosting sensitive PCI data on YabandPay systems. The form can be embedded in the merchant’s checkout flow as an iframe or as a redirect page.


The pre-authorization is valid for 30 days. After 30 days, the pre-authorization order will automatically expire.



POST data type:Json

Parameter Type Description Required
user String the UID of cashier account Required
sign String signature Required
method String v3.CreateCardPayments Required
time Long timestamp Required
  • Parameter
Parameter Type Description Required
pay_method String online Required
sub_pay_method String Cards HPP Required
operation String 1.Sales 2.Authorisation; Required
order_id String order id from Merchant Required
3ds_initiate String 01. Enable 3DS verification; 02. Disable 3DS verification Required
amount String format in cents: € 24.99 should be 24.99 Required
currency String ISO 4217, For example EUR, CHF Required
description String order description Required
form_type String The returned URL type, default is 01. 01.completed, 02.iframe Optional
demo String custom field Optional
timeout String value 0 means 1440 minutes Required
redirect_url String the redirect URL after payment is completed Required
notify_url String asynchronous notification url Required
request_id String The request ID must be unique. It is recommended to use a combination of at least 24 digits and letters. Required


Lexicographical sequence and URL key-value format new string

"3ds_initiate=01&amount=1&currency=EUR&description=test&form_type=01&method=v3.CreateCardPayments&notify_url= HPP&time=1720683857&timeout=0&user=016683"

Use stringA and secret_key to get stringSign

Get Signature:


Example Request:

    "user": "016683",
    "sign": "a5491dcc4b3e0a5edce808074486ffff2fea479054a2f56d8e2a76a4f9808d5f",
    "method": "v3.CreateCardPayments",
    "time": 1720680417,
    "data": {
        "description": "test",
        "form_type": "01",
        "3ds_initiate": "01",
        "timeout": "0",
        "pay_method": "online",
        "sub_pay_method": "Cards HPP",
        "operation": "1",
        "order_id": "203040950640690239603690",
        "amount": "1",
        "currency": "EUR",
        "redirect_url": "",
        "notify_url": "",
        "request_id": "tscqf7ki76o7aem4z1yl1xs72f89fptl"

Example Response:

    "status": true,
    "code": "200",
    "data": {
        "order_id": "203040950640690239603690",
        "trade_id": "160899f3-f6d9-a8d8-ab5b-82eacdab9c5b",
        "amount": "1.00",
        "currency": "EUR",
        "settlement_currency": "EUR",
        "exchange_rate": "1",
        "url": "",
        "state": "processing"
    "message": "",
    "response_id": "202407111544200649155078"

More Information:

Return results:
  1. On a successful API call, the response will be "status": true.

  2. On a failed API call, the response will be "status": false.

You need to redirect to the returned url. After the user enters their card information and completes the payment at this url, they will be redirected back to the redirect_url.

We strongly recommend using both Order Query and Asynchronous Notification simultaneously to synchronize and update payment status, ensuring real-time accuracy of payment information.

If the order status state is paid, the payment is successful. If the order status state is authorized, the authorisation is successful.

Result/Error codes:
Status Code Message
true 200
fales -1000 Internal error
fales -403 The signature Error
fales -2001 The user not exist
fales -3001 Required field is missing
fales -4118 Incorrect request ID

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