Cancel Payment Order

This API is used to cancel payment orders, including unpaid, paid, or authorized payment orders.

If you have not received the final payment result from YabandPay (success or failure) within the payment expiry time, or want to close the payment order, you can call this API to initiate the cancellation request.


  1. Time Limit: the transaction can only be cancelled within the agreed period, which is from the time when the transaction is initiated to 00:30 of T+1 day (Central European Time).

  2. Amount Limit: The entire amount must be canceled; partial amount cancellation is not supported.

  3. Refund Limit: If the transaction has undergone any refund operations, it cannot be canceled.

  4. Settlement and Fees: Cancelled transactions do not proceed to the settlement stage and are not included in the clearing and settlement files, and YabandPay will not charge any transaction fees.



POST data type:Json

Parameter Type Description Required
user String the UID of cashier account Required
sign String signature Required
method String v3.CancelPayment Required
time Long timestamp
  • Parameter
Parameter Type Description Required
trade_id String the trade_id from YabandPay Required


Lexicographical sequence and URL key-value format new string


Use stringA and secret_key to get stringSign

Get Signature:


Example Request:

    "user": "016683",
    "sign": "ce35c72989dbda9a3393f4c2810ea71bd7755dd25061f1ae8073aea8e2db6dbe",
    "method": "v3.CancelPayment",
    "time": 1546588959,
    "data": {
        "trade_id": "4a49ffb3-a30f-ba92-9422-1969afb6f121"

Example Response:

    "status": true,
    "code": "200",
    "data": {
        "type": "payment",
        "user": "016683",
        "amount": "0.10",
        "currency": "EUR",
        "settlement_amount": "0.10",
        "settlement_currency": "EUR",
        "exchange_rate": "1",
        "trade_id": "4a49ffb3-a30f-ba92-9422-1969afb6f121",
        "description": "YabandPay test",
        "order_id": "280244567856723026",
        "createDate": "1706771212",
        "demo": "test",
        "transaction_id": "",
        "state": "cancelled"
    "message": ""

More information:

Return results:
  1. If the payment cancellation succeeds, it returns "status": true.
  2. If the payment cancellation fails, it returns "status": false.

You can check the order status by calling Query payment. If the order status state is cancelled, the cancellation was successful.

Result/Error codes:
Status Code Message
true 200
fales -4111 Exceed cancel window
fales -4112 The transaction has been cleared cannot be cancelled
fales -4114 The trade_id does not exist
fales -4115 The transaction cannot be cancelled
fales -4116 The transaction has been cancelled
fales -4117 The transaction has been Expired

results matching ""

    No results matching ""