Create Customs Declare
This interface is to submit customs declaration for orders paid by WeChat Pay or Alipay
[!TIP|style:flat] 1.Each order can only have one piece of non-split data and multiple pieces of split order data. If the sub_order_no (merchant sub-order number) in the split order data is the same, it will be regarded as the same piece of data.
2.If you need to modify the customs declaration,please pass MODIFY for action_type, and you can only modify the merchant record number, record name, customs code and amount, users certificate information.If it is split order data, please pass sub_order_no to modify the date.
If a transaction has been requested to be submitted to the customs, but the electronic port has lost the order, you can use the re-push interface. When re-push the order, please keep the customs declaration number consistent with the original request.
POST data type:Json
Parameter | Type | Description | Required |
user | String | the UID of super admin account or cashier account | Required |
sign | String | signature | Required |
method | String | v3.QueryOrder | Required |
time | Long | timestamp | Required |
- Parameter
Parameter | Type | Description | Required |
trade_id | String | the trade_id from YabandPay | Required |
customs | String | customs name | Required |
mch_customs_no | String | customs record number | Required |
duty | Int | Customs duty, unit (cents), will not be submitted to custom | Required |
action_type | String | Customs declaration type, ADD added, MODIFY modified, default ADD added | Required |
sub_order_no | String | Merchant sub-order number | Optional (required when splitting the order) |
order_fee | Int | Amount in settlement currency, Unit (point), cannot exceed the original order amount,order_fee=transport_fee+product_fee | Optional (required when splitting the order) |
transport_fee | Int | Logistics costs in settlement currency, Unit (point) | Optional (required when splitting the order) |
product_fee | Int | product price in settlement currency,Unit (point) | Optional (required when splitting the order) |
cert_type | String | ID type, please pass the fixed value of IDCARD, temporarily only supports mainland ID cards | Optional |
cert_id | String | ID number, the user's mainland ID number, the ID number ending with the letter X, please capitalize the letter X | Optional |
name | String | consumer name | Optional |
The customs fields are as follows:
Wechat Pay fields
字段 | 描述 |
GUANGZHOU_ZS | Guangzhou (General Administration Edition) |
GUANGZHOU_HP_GJ | Guangzhou Huangpu National Inspection |
GUANGZHOU_NS_GJ | Guangzhou Nansha National Inspection |
HANGZHOU_ZS | Hangzhou (General Administration Edition) |
NINGBO | Ningbo |
ZHENGZHOU_BS | Zhengzhou (bonded logistics center) |
CHONGQING | Chongqing |
SHANGHAI_ZS | Shanghai (General Administration Edition) |
SHENZHEN | Shenzhen |
ZHENGZHOU_ZH_ZS | Zhengzhou Comprehensive Insurance (General Administration Edition) |
TIANJIN | Tianjin |
TIANJIN (When you need to push orders to Tianjin Customs, you need to configure both Tianjin Customs filing information and Tianjin National Inspection filing information in the merchant management background; when calling the customs declaration interface, you only need to push Tianjin Customs, that is, request the customs declaration interface once.)
Alipay fields
字段 | 描述 |
ZONGSHU | 中国海关总署 |
NINGBO | 宁波 |
Lexicographical sequence and URL key-value format new string
Use stringA and secret_key to get stringSign
Get Signature:
Example Request:
"user": "016683",
"sign": "0c4f56b21229ec6212c83d936154954a71bbd5c8b5d2c94a231928e9903632dd",
"method": "v3.CustomDeclareOrder",
"time": 1560499094,
"data": {
"trade_id": "dd11d082-810d-c8b7-3669-b784c466759b",
"customs": "NINGBO",
"mch_customs_no": "8888888888"
Example Response:
"status": true,
"code": "200",
"data": {
"appid": "",
"mchid": "3302462090",
"out_trade_no": "4434a6e235e81cde4aee954c0031ad96",
"state": "SUCCESS",
"sub_order_id": "e0721a7f957e8e55dfbb5c7bcb4441d6",
"sub_order_no": "1234567890",
"transaction_id": "2024061922001467961423939655",
"verify_department": "OTHERS",
"verify_department_trade_id": "2024061922001467961423939655",
"cert_check_result": "SAME",
"transId": "20240619161756813048",
"customs_declarations_id": "e0721a7f957e8e55dfbb5c7bcb4441d6"
"message": ""
The states description is as follows:
States | Description |
UNDECLARED | Undeclared, this means that the declaration has been submitted, waiting for customs processing, no need to submit again. |
SUBMITTED | The declaration has been submitted. The order has been sent to the customs, the merchant has re-declared, and the customs has a modification interface, then the status of the record will be this. |
PROCESSING | Reporting |
SUCCESS | Successful application |
FAIL | Declaration failed |
EXCEPT | Customs interface exception |