通知URL是提交的notify_url,支付完成后,YabandPay会相关支付和用户信息发送到该 URL,第三方受理机构需接收该通知并验签,验签通过才可做下一步操作。
1. 支付的异步通知
参数 | 类型 | 描述 |
sign | String | 签名 |
type | String | payment |
user | String | 收银员账号的UID或者Email |
amount | String | 支付提交金额 |
tip_amount | String | 总金额中包含的小费 |
trade_id | String | YabandPay的交易编号 |
currency | String | 支付提交的货币种类 |
settlement_amount | String | 结算货币金额 |
settlement_currency | String | 结算货币种类 |
exchange_rate | String | 支付金额/结算金额 |
amount_cny | String | 支付人民币金额 |
settlement_rate | String | 人民币结算汇率 |
order_id | String | 商户订单号码 |
transaction_id | String | 支付方式返回的的单号,例如微信支付或者支付宝+的交易编号。大多数情况下与acquirer_id相同。 |
acquirer_id | String | 收单机构参考号,Acquirer Reference Number(ARN) |
description | String | 订单描述 |
createDate | String | 订单创建时间 |
state | String | 支付状态: Processing, Paid,Cancelled, Expired, Verify,Authorized,Declined,Failed |
demo | String | 客户自定义字段 |
out_trade_no | String | 交易系统内部订单号 |
sub_pay_method | String | 支付方式:WeChat Pay, Alipay+等(参考支付方式说明) |
pay_method | String | 支付类型:offline, online |
paid_time | String | 支付时间 |
yb_transaction_id | String | YabandPay的唯一交易ID |
3ds_status | String | 3ds状态 |
3ds_trxid | String | 3ds的唯一ID |
3ds_version | String | 3ds的版本 |
参数 | 类型 | 描述 |
A | String | Attempts Processing Performed; Not Authenticated/Verified, but a proof of attempted authentication/verification is provided. |
C | String | Challenge Required; Additional authentication is required. |
D | String | Challenge Required; Decoupled Authentication confirmed. |
I | String | Informational Only; Merchant challenge preference acknowledged. |
N | String | Not Authenticated /Account Not Verified; Transaction denied. |
R | String | Authentication/ Account Verification Rejected; Issuer is rejecting authentication/verification and requests that authorisation not be attempted. |
U | String | Authentication/Account Verification Could Not Be Performed, Technical or other problem. |
Y | String | Authentication/Account Verification Successful. |
"sign": "4d1ebd43cf3a06d35282c84b990917e49d5cafc0a1cad62c2b695a1683ec6ba0",
"data": {
"type": "payment",
"user": "016683",
"order_id": "190510140815",
"trade_id": "8a8aa7c7-66d7-e2cc-e2a6-fff7c77aaefd",
"transaction_id": "4200000298201905227377147799",
"acquirer_id": "4200000298201905227377147799",
"yb_transaction_id": "c8823612-383f-35fc-f28d-c0eae039e870",
"amount": "1.00",
"tip_amount": "0.10",
"currency": "EUR",
"settlement_amount": "1.00",
"settlement_currency": "EUR",
"exchange_rate": "1",
"amount_cny": "0.77",
"settlement_rate": "7.779779",
"description": "yaband test",
"createDate": "1558510731",
"pay_method": "online",
"state": "paid",
"demo": "test",
"out_trade_no": "a4d7684a-e326-44c1-bea5-0601f7a9b191",
"sub_pay_method": "WeChat Pay",
"paid_time": "1603355159",
"3ds_status": "Y",
"3ds_trxid": "1d0c6eb3-6282-4cf9-9549-884410918d2d",
"3ds_version": "2.2.0"
2. 退款的异步通知
参数 | 类型 | 描述 |
sign | String | 签名 |
type | String | refund |
user | String | 收银员账号的UID或者Email |
pay_method | String | 原支付单online或者offline |
sub_pay_method | String | 原支付单的支付方式:WeChat Pay,Alipay+等(参考支付方式说明) |
refund_id | String | 退款编号 |
m_refund_id | String | 商户在发起退款时自定义的退款单号 |
transaction_id | String | 交易编号 |
acquirer_id | String | 结算机构交易编号 |
refund_amount | String | 退款提交的金额 |
refund_currency | String | 退款货币 |
order_id | String | 商户订单号码 |
refund_description | String | 订单描述 |
refund_time | String | 退款时间 |
state | String | 退款状态:to-be-approval,refund pending, refund processing, refunded, refund error, refund failed, refund cancelled |
Notification information:
"sign": "b71a0b52811b98aed22b928c0ab124e39b722bca0547b5e6c5d19763bec456ae",
"data": {
"type": "refund",
"user": "016683",
"refund_id": "b20d3668-d71f-432f-8809-f84f0d9139d4",
"refund_amount": "1.00",
"refund_currency": "EUR",
"order_id": "200219",
"refund_description": "test",
"refund_time": "0",
"state": "refunded",
"pay_method": "online",
"sub_pay_method": "WeChat Pay",
refund processing
3. 异步通知频率
请注意:消息通知的响应需返回status-code 200,并且body返回“ok”,如果未返回“ok”,我们将会再次发送通知。
通知次数 | 间隔时间 |
1 | 10s |
2 | 30s |
3 | 60s |
4 | 300s |
5 | 3600s |
... | 3600s |
15 | 3600s |
4. 异步通知支付状态说明
1. 支付状态:
代码 | 字段 | 说明 |
00 | paid | 支付成功 |
01 | authorized | 授权成功 |
02 | pending | 支付被创建 |
03 | processing | 等待支付 |
04 | verify | 客户已经支付,由于风控原因正在审核中。 |
05 | declined | 支付被拒绝 |
06 | failed | 支付失败 |
07 | expired | 支付超时 |
08 | cancelled | 取消支付 |
2. 退款状态:
代码 | 字段 | 说明 |
20 | to-be-approval | 等待管理员批准。 |
21 | refund pending | 当前余额不足,余额充足时自动提交退款。 |
22 | refund processing | 退款请求已经提交,系统正在处理中。 |
23 | refunded | 退款已经成功完成。 |
24 | refund failed | 退款失败,请再次尝试。 |
25 | refund error | 退款失败,请联系我们在线客服。 |
26 | refund cancelled | 退款订单已经被取消。 |